

本文档的目的是描述的历史 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, current, 官方ACTFL考试,以及在何种情况下,官方ACTFL评分可以分配给考生的表现.


在20世纪70年代末,ACTFL获得了美国第六章星际网赌登录联盟的资助.S. 教育部制定以学术为导向的语言熟练程度指南,以取代机构间语言圆桌(ILR)量表. The ILR scale was used in government contexts and lacked detail at the lower proficiency levels; moreover, ILR量表用数字代替名字来描述熟练程度. The resulting product was the provisional ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines (1982), which were extensively reviewed by the field until 1986, when they were no longer termed “provisional.” ACTFL also worked to develop the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (ACTFL OPI®)和专业发展研讨会(ACTFL OPI workshop®),为有兴趣学习如何应用该标准的语言教育者提供强化的专业发展 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines in a standardized interview.

The 1986 ACTFL Proficiency Guideline-Speaking 包括四个主要的熟练程度:初级、中级、高级和高级. 初级和中级水平进一步细分为低、中、高水平. 高级水平分为高级和高级中等, while Superior had no sublevel designations.

In addition to criteria for speaking, ACTFL also developed criteria for listening, reading and writing; these domains are known as the ACTFL Proficiency Guideline-Listening/Reading/Writing; collectively, the scale is known as The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.

In 1999, ACTFL substantially revised the Guidelines. In addition to other changes, ACTFL高水平分为三个亚水平:低水平, Mid and High. ACTFL投入了大量资源修订《电子下注软件》,并为已获得认证和新的测试人员和车间协调员提供重新校准专业发展,以重新校准他们以适应新的《电子下注软件》. ACTFL与和平队合作,制作了示范性的访谈录像,以展示每个级别的特点,供ACTFL和和平队独家使用. 2012年,ACTFL进一步修订了《电子下注软件》,以进一步协调跨层次和跨领域的语言. 此外,还增加了高级水平来描述超越高级水平的语言.

In 2022, ACTFL开始修订《星际网赌登录》,以增加语文的可及性, 将《电子下注软件》与ACTFL的其他教学文件(如《星际网赌登录》)保持一致, NCSSFL/ACTFL Can-Do语句和ACTFL语言学习者性能描述符),甚至更好地跨级别和跨领域表达语言. 截至2023年2月,这项工作仍在进行中,预计将于2024年春季完成.

Who can use the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines?

The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012和任何以前和以后的版本可用于非营利性, educational purposes only, provided that they are reproduced in their entirety, with no alterations, and with credit to ACTFL. 除非营利性目的外,禁止以任何形式重新分发或复制部分或全部示例, educational purposes. You may not, except with ACTFL's express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit any media content. In other words, 语言教师和非营利性学校实体可以使用指南来开发课程, 以课堂为基础的星际网赌登录星际网赌登录学习者的熟练程度. No other uses are authorized.


官方ACTFL评级只能在ACTFL的独家许可人进行的官方ACTFL水平测试中提供, 国际语言测试公司拥有认证的ACTFL评分员. 其他组织/实体发布的任何评级,如果声称该评级为“ACTFL评级”,则是非官方的,无效的.

Why are official ACTFL tests so important?

In addition to being the sole owner of the Guidelines, ACTFL根据《电子下注软件》并根据ACTFL工作人员和经认证的ACTFL测试人员和辅导员的专业知识开发了所有正式测试. 所有ACTFL测试的目的是引出或星际网赌登录语言与ACTFL水平一致,基于数十年的严格认证程序和专业知识. Therefore, no organizations except ACTFL, via Language Testing International, our exclusive licensee, can provide official ACTFL ratings. Only official ACTFL tests are aligned to the Guidelines, developed by ACTFL-certified experts, supported by ACTFL resources, 并在基于熟练程度的星际网赌登录中反映最佳实践-准确引出的任务和测试项目, assess and report official ACTFL scores. 一些组织可能会使用一致性表来显示他们的测试结果如何与ACTFL熟练程度一致. 这些表格简单地显示了一个学习者在官方ACTFL考试中的表现. They do not reflect an alignment to the Guidelines.